Friday, 9 March 2007

Return of the Flash Object

Well today I had another run in with multiple flash objects within a page of a site. However today it wasn't flagged by using IE6, it was IE7. The problem I was experiencing was, that the page loaded up fine with it's various flash animation, but if you refreshed the page IE7 crashed out. What made matters worse was that it was only happening on one of our IE7 test machines, annoying, at this point I knew it had to be down to the version of flash. This test machine was using Flash Player 6 and after some web trawling I stumbled upon the following: If you are running Internet Explorer and Flash Player version 6.0.21, 6.0.23, or 6.0.29, the browser will crash if you call GetVariable or SetVariable (or a number of other methods that are built into the Flash Player plugin). However this doesn't seem quite right, as it was only happening on a reload, I am still puzzled, but for now I have taken the cheats way out. I looked at Adobe's penetration stats of its various flash players and came to the conclusion that flash player 6 is only used by 1% of majorly developed country's. So decided to up the required Flash to version 7 within my UFO detection script, which miraculously cured the bug. But I am not satisfied with this, it is a cop out and a cheats way out. I need to find out whats doing it, I know that if you try to look at the revision numbers of flash player 6 the lower revisions cause the browser to crash, but this should happen on every load, not upon a refresh. So needless to say I am looking into this further, if anyone has any ideas or advice let me know so I can cure this problem and then share the information on here.

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